The A/B Testing Process: Unlocking the Power of Data-Driven SEO

Anna Dominik Banzon

Author & Editor

Content Team Lead

Published on: Oct 24, 2023 Updated on: May 21, 2024

The future of the A/B testing process in search engine optimization (SEO) is bright. By leveraging this assessment process with the help of digital marketing agencies, you can unleash your brand’s fullest potential through the power of data-driven optimization today.

There's a plethora of exciting trends and innovations in split testing that can significantly enhance your business' SEO success and by leveraging split testing alongside expert SEO companies and services, you can amplify your online visibility and propel your brand towards greater digital prominence. From the impacts of machine learning and artificial intelligence (AI) on testing, to the use of automation in experimentation, the evolving field of split analysis is filled with vast potential for forward-thinking strategies and other critical digital marketing services.

Discover different ways these trends and technologies can impact your A/B testing step-by-step process – from being used in search optimization to being applied in other aspects of the digital age like pay-per-click (PPC) advertising, user experience (UX) design, and more. Revolutionize your understanding with the help of this comprehensive guide right now.

SEO has always been a huge part of the digital marketing process. Having evolved from simple keyword research to expert PPC executions and mobile-first optimization, this digital marketing expertise continues to be a dynamic and ever-evolving force in promoting business online.

Some of the most notable trends in the evolution and history of this field include occurrences that are now part of standard practice, such as:

  • Content marketing - Experimentation with content allowed online users to discover brands through keywords and quality information put out on various websites and platforms.
  • Mobile SEO - When mobile devices came into popularity, optimizing keywords and content for mobile search also emerged as the must-do strategy for digital marketers.
  • Voice search - Nowadays, audiences use voice assistants like Siri, Google Assistant, and Alexa to conduct searches, thus driving a need for natural language processing (NLP) in keyword research.

With such advancements in this field, it’s no wonder that marketers now need to make use of leverages such as machine learning and AI for SEO. From keyword research to on-page and off-page optimization, digital experts are constantly finding new ways with which to optimize websites and content successfully for various engines.

Experimenting with keywords and search optimization, therefore, will always be a crucial part of the evolution of SEO - hence the relevance of experimentation tools and techniques such as A/B analysis for this broad field.

A/B testing: A cornerstone of SEO

A/B testing stands as a cornerstone in SEO. Without it, techniques in this field of search would never have evolved in the way they did over the past few years. The jump from simple keyword stuffing to advanced voice SEO (VSEO) would never have happened without experiments like split analysis and other forms of analysis.

Some popular experimentation types and A/B testing tools include multivariate testing and multi-page analyses. These, along with tools for automation, are used to compare and contrast various sites and landing pages, in order to improve them for engines like Google or Bing.

The implementation of A/B analyses for marketing experimentation is critical to the success of making brands more discoverable online. This is why it’s important to implement such tests effectively for the success of your business today.

Why the process for running A/B testing empowers SEO

At this point, you might be wondering why a basic technique such as split analysis could be so important for website and landing page optimizers. The answer is simple: it provides relevant data. This data, when used wisely, provides experts like you with insights into audience behaviors and industry trends, so that you can make the best possible decisions for your brand’s success online.

Data-driven decision-making is key in driving measurable results for any business. While intuition-based approaches are also important, generally you’ll still need lots of information to create, track, and improve upon digital executions like Facebook ads and other forms of search engine optimization.

Leveraging data is a big part of your overall process for search engine success, and you can only really get that information when you make use of marketing experiments and testing for your business nowadays.

Streamlining A/B testing process steps for future-proofed SEO

Given the importance of A/B analyses to your SEO, it’s crucial to know the areas in which you can use and streamline it for your business. From using it as a strategy to adapt to engine algorithm changes, to applying it in trends such as voice search, mobile-first indexing, and UX, experimentation can be used to future-proof your brand’s various optimizations and executions.

Here are some technological leaps to apply split analysis and data collection to, along with ways you can streamline A/B comparisons for your business:

  • Voice assistant optimization - Test out using voice assistants for websites to see how you can improve product discovery, provide 24/7 customer support, and make your platform more accessible to online users.
  • Predictive analytics to collect data - With predictive analytics, you can also collect and analyze audience information in order to predict their search engine actions and behaviors in the future, for the benefit of your business.
  • Machine learning and AI for automation - Streamline the overall experience of comparing versions of your website or web page by utilizing AI tools that automate all your analyses on the go.

A/B assessments serve as data collection techniques that, with the help of futuristic tools and advancements, can take your brand’s visibility online to the next level. With this in mind, let’s look ahead and anticipate the future of engines and split analysis, to see where else we can go with these crucial digital marketing practices today.

The future of SEO and A/B testing

As mentioned, the combined future of A/B analysis and optimization is bright. There are tons of trends to look forward to as more technologies emerge; the use of AI in SEO alone offers the exciting potential for more complex queries by users in today’s mobile-first age.

Just as these are exciting opportunities, they also serve as disruptive innovations. The emergence of AI and generative software has also pushed engines like Google to beef up their quality rater guidelines, causing experts to scramble for updated ways to improve their SEO today.

What continues to be a huge driver for the futures of both these digital fields, however, is still the online user - hence the necessity for creative, user-centric strategies. Whether you’re running tests or collecting data to improve your site and make it more visible, you’ll always need to center your process around the user’s experience to improve rankings for the brand.

Take, for example, how Propelrr consistently integrated user experiences, taken from tests and data collection, into its improvement strategies for OSP International LLC. By running tests that recorded users’ experiences with the brand, Propelrr was able to leverage their data to improve the PrepCast PM Exam Simulator homepage for a 78% lift and a 13% improvement in conversions.

Split analyses that focused on the user’s experience allowed our team to collect relevant information for developing successful user-centric strategies. No matter how far into the future you go, you’ll always need to refer back to the online user to make your brand more discoverable in the long run.

Key takeaways

Ready to unleash your data-driven optimization into the world? Bring these key takeaways with you as you embark on your experimentation journey today:

  • Always collect and analyze data. This will allow you to constantly improve your practice, ensuring you stay afloat in the ever-changing landscape of search engine algorithms.
  • Focus on your users. Your users are the ones conducting search queries online, after all. Focus on their data, interests, and trends to see how you might make your website more surfaceable to them.
  • Utilize tools and expert assistance. Whether you leverage AI-driven tools or ask the experts at Propelrr for help, always make use of extra assistance to improve your strategies for the long haul.

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