8 Key Statistics That Will Impact SEO in Marketing

Gale de Ocampo

Author & Editor

Content Strategist

Published on: Sep 11, 2023 Updated on: May 20, 2024

Having a robust online presence is essential for any business to succeed in the highly competitive digital environment of today requires effective Search Engine Optimization (SEO).

SEO refers to the process of improving the content and structure of a website to attain higher rankings in search engine results pages (SERPs) for relevant keywords and phrases. By having high SERP ranking, people can easily discover your business’ website to generate more traffic and qualified leads, ultimately resulting in higher revenue.

Google search algorithms regularly update to enhance search results and user experience, like prioritizing mobile optimization, page speed, spammy and low-quality sites, and now content quality to improve website experience.

Regardless of the size and industry, businesses can benefit from SEO strategies to help you achieve marketing objectives. This article will explore how SEO can boost a business's online visibility, drive traffic, and ultimately lead to increased revenue.

The SEO landscape

In this section, we will explore the search landscape and discuss the important SEO statistics you should be aware of. As a digital marketing agency, we will help you understand these data and help you develop effective strategies and gain a competitive advantage in your industry.

Emergence of new technology (AI) for content creation.

Artificial Intelligence or AI is the ability of machines to carry out tasks that ordinarily require human intelligence. Several firms these days are trying to integrate AI to have a deeper analysis of data and better anticipation of search trends, enabling them to personalize content for their audience.

As you utilize AI technology for your SEO strategies, you can learn more about your target audience, thus creating content and campaigns that are more targeted and effective as they are specifically tailored to them.

With a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 37.3%, Grand View Research claims that the global AI market is expected to reach $1.8 trillion by 2030. This is such a significant growth for the said market which highly suggests that AI technology is rapidly becoming more prevalent and may eventually become an integral part of digital marketing.

To take advantage of these opportunities, you can consider using predictive analytics to find and target high-value keywords. Natural language processing (NLP) can also be utilized to improve customer experience as more conversational and interesting content for chatbots and virtual assistants will be developed.

Increased 8.5+ billion searches per day.

Google has reported a significant increase in searches made by users worldwide, with over 8.5 billion searches per day in 2022. This sudden surge can be attributed to changes in several factors like consumer behavior, new trends, events, or promotions.

During the pandemic, when everyone stayed at home to protect themselves from the virus, Google observed a rise in search queries related to health, online purchasing, and remote work, therefore highlighting that a lot more users use Google to search for current trends and interest.

This increase in Google searches present a massive opportunity to reach your target audience through search marketing efforts. By refining your website and information for search engines, you can boost your online presence and attract more organic traffic to your website.

To capitalize on this opportunity, focus on improving your SEO strategy by identifying relevant keywords with the aforementioned insights to create valuable and relevant content topics that are not only informative and engaging but are also fitting to your audience's needs.

Organic being a high and consistent traffic generator.

When we refer to Organic Search, this refers to the search results that are not paid for. The quality of the content's alignment with the user's search intent is evaluated by a number of variables, along with other aspects including incoming links, the website's authority, the user's device, location, and more.

According to recent statistics, organic search generates 53% of most website traffic. This indicates that the bulk of website traffic worldwide is the result of algorithmic or organic searches making it advantageous for your company to rely on organic search when broadening your brand reach.

To improve organic rankings, you should:

  • Focus on creating high-quality, relevant, and engaging subject matter.

  • Conduct thorough keyword research.

  • Optimize content topics with relevant keywords and meta descriptions.

  • Improve website structure, site speed, and mobile responsiveness, as well as build backlinks from high-quality sources using link building practices.

By ranking high in organic search engine results, your brand can attract more qualified leads, thus increasing your online visibility and establishing your brand credibility.

 UI/UX as a critical component of SEO.

UI/UX (user interface/user experience) is a critical component in design and functionality of a website or an application while page speed and loading time are some of the crucial aspects of UI/UX.

Recent studies reveal that 40% of mobile users will leave a site that takes longer than three seconds to load, making page speed a significant factor in website performance. Aside from making your website easy to navigate to increase the users’ dwelling time on your page, it is highly imperative to keep your website optimized as well. You can do this by reducing the size of images to speed up page loads, thus improving user engagement, reducing bounce rates, and increasing conversions.

Consulting professional web design and development services can also help to ensure that the website is optimized for UI/UX and page speed. Such services can include conducting regular audits and updates to identify and resolve performance issues, as well as implementing the latest design trends and technologies to enhance the user experience.

Content marketing generates 3x as many leads as outbound marketing.

For SEO, having high-quality content that matches users' search intent enhances a website's ranking in search engine results and boosts organic traffic.

As top content marketing report shows, content marketing generates thrice as many leads as outbound marketing and costs 62% less. This means that focusing on producing high-quality and relevant resources that are extremely helpful to your  target audience can not only be a powerful tool for your brand in attracting and engaging customers but also in establishing your brand credibility.

Thus, content quality or well-written, pertinent, and interesting information can improve your user engagement and ultimately increase their time spent on your site.

Make sure to align your strategy with your marketing objectives while understanding your target audience. This would enable you to use the appropriate types of content that are best suited for them. Additionally, you can leverage social media to promote your webpage and engage with your audience which can yield significant benefits for your digital marketing.

More than half of website traffic comes from mobile.

In recent years, there has been a substantial shift in how users access digital content wherein mobile devices have been accounting for the increase in the share of internet traffic. This is proven by a report published by Statista, wherein it’s confirmed that 59.16% of website traffic worldwide in 2022 are done through mobile devices.

The growing use of mobile devices emphasizes the significance of making not only your website but also your digital content. One of the ways that you can adapt to this is by implementing a responsive design that adjusts to different screen sizes. In addition, you can also simplify navigation, reduce loading times, and ensure that all website elements are working and easy to use on a smaller screen.

If you still haven’t optimized your webpage for mobile devices, then you will run the risk of losing potential customers who may contribute to your bounce rate as they become impatient with slow loading times or challenging interfaces.

SEO keyword and ranking statistics.

This refers to the analysis of how search engines rank websites based on specific keywords and phrases that users look for in content. To achieve this, you should work on your keyword research and then focus on creating informative and helpful content that not only satisfies the user’s search intent but should also address customer queries and pain points related to that keyword.

Moreover, creating educational and beneficial content that matches the intent, long-tail keywords, and conversational language will help improve your SEO keyword and ranking statistics. You must also regularly analyze and optimize keyword usage to help you identify areas for improvement and adjust your SEO marketing strategies accordingly.

However, search engines regularly update their algorithms to improve results. For example, Google's BERT update aimed to better understand the natural language used in queries which in turn affects website rankings

Such updates had a fundamental impact on how websites were ranked, and it highlighted the importance of creating high-quality, relevant content that matches the intent so it is important to keep yourself updated with the latest updates and changes within the digital landscape.

64% of consumers purchases after watching video content.

Video content these days has become a powerful tool for not only engaging audiences and improving search engine rankings for SEO, but it greatly influences the users to purchase an item, be it online or in-store.In fact, data shows that 64% of consumers would make their purchases after watching a brand's social videos. In addition, research reveals that 92% of marketers claim that video content marketing has provided a decent return on investment.Therefore, if you want to not only improve your brand reach but also to make a profit, you should make an effort to produce high-quality, relevant, and engaging video content. By doing so, you can attract more traffic to your website, thus improving your brand visibility. You can also create a more engaging user experience, leading to increased customer loyalty, conversions, and profit.

Your next steps

Now that you have learned about the importance of creating high-quality and informative content as well as using long-tail keywords and natural language to improve SEO rankings, it's time to put your learnings into action. Here are some steps you can take to implement these insights:

  • Conduct keyword research with SEO tools like Google Keyword Planner to identify relevant long-tail keywords that align with the user’s intent behind search queries related to your brand or industry.
  • Optimize your content using on-page SEO techniques like including your target keywords in your title tag, meta description, and header tags. Make sure your subject matter is easy to read and scannable, with short paragraphs and bullet points.
  • Monitor and adjust your keywords. Regularly monitor your keyword usage, search engine rankings, and adjust your strategy accordingly. This can help you identify areas for improvement and optimize your content to better meet your customers' needs.

By following these steps, you will not only improve your SEO rankings and drive more traffic to your website but also help you adhere to the stats and data that are prevailing in 2023. This can ultimately help you grow your business and increase your customer base.

Key takeaways

These are just a few yet important statistics that provide insights into search and consumer behavior for optimizing websites. By understanding SEO trends, you can improve online search visibility, attract more traffic, and ultimately increase your revenue and growth. That said, here are some key takeaways to implement these SEO strategies.

  • Focus on your user experience. User experience (UX) is crucial for marketers as it directly affects customer engagement, retention, and loyalty, leading to increased conversions and revenue. By making your website easy to navigate, you can create a positive and memorable experience for users, differentiate your brand from competitors, and ultimately drive your business to success.
  • Optimize your content for mobile. Mobile optimization is crucial for SEO success, as the majority of internet users now can access content on their mobile devices. You should ensure that all digital content is optimized to create a pleasant and mobile-friendly user experience.
  • Produce superior, intent-focused content. Creating high-quality, informative content that aligns with the intent behind search queries is essential for SEO success since you can increase your chances of ranking higher in search engine results pages (SERPs) and ultimately attracting more organic traffic to your website.

If you have any questions or inquiries, just reach out to us on Facebook, X, or LinkedIn, and we’ll be happy to assist you in your web development projects.

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