Get More Out of Your Evergreen Content: Tips on Repurposing

Gale de Ocampo

Author & Editor

Content Strategist

Published on: Sep 9, 2022 Updated on: May 17, 2024

Don't waste your evergreen content with just one-and-done executions.

If you're like most people, you probably think of evergreen content as those blog posts and articles that remain relevant long after they're published. And while that's certainly true, evergreen content can also be a powerful marketing tool if you know how to repurpose it.

Evergreen content is an essential part of every content marketing service. It's the kind of content that can be used again and again, in different ways and for different purposes. It's ever-relevant, ever-useful, and ever-popular.

While it may take a little more effort to create evergreen content, it's definitely worth it. We'll share some tips on how to repurpose evergreen content and why it's definitely okay to do it. We'll also discuss the benefits of evergreen content and how you can use it to create a dynamic marketing asset that will stand the test of time.

So if you're ready to learn more about evergreen content and how to repurpose it for maximum impact, let's get started.

Why is evergreen content so important?

When you publish evergreen content, you set into motion your content marketing strategy. People will see that you're an expert on the topic and that you're always up-to-date with the latest information. – allowing you to build credibility and authority. It’s a great way to drive traffic to your website. People will keep coming back to read your evergreen content because it's relevant and useful. And if you include links to your other blog posts or articles, you'll be able to drive even more traffic to your website.

It’s a great way to improve your search engine optimization (SEO). When you publish content like this, people will keep coming back to read it and share it, which will help you rank higher in the search engines.

How can you tell if your content is evergreen?

If you're not sure if your content is evergreen, there are a few things you can look for.

First of all, evergreen content is relevant and useful. It should be something that people will want to read now and in the future. So ask yourself: Does the piece offer advice or information that people will find useful no matter when they read it? Relevance can eventually define your content.

Secondly, evergreen content is well-researched and well-written. It should be free of errors and typos, and it should be well-organized and easy to read. Is the tone and style of the piece timeless, or is it likely to feel dated after a few months? Does the piece focus on general principles that are still relevant, even if the specific details have changed? 

Thirdly, evergreen content is always up-to-date. If you're writing about a topic that's ever-changing, you'll need to make sure your content is always current. Ask this: Is the piece relevant to your audience, even if they're reading it months or years after you've published it?

And last but not least, evergreen content is shareable. Everyone knows that a good content marketing strategy can propel your brand. People should be able to share your content with their friends and followers without any problems. So, is the piece something that people will want to read more than once, or is it likely to be a one-time read?

If you can answer yes to most of these questions, then it's likely that you have an evergreen piece on your hands. Evergreen content can be a valuable asset to your website or blog, so it's worth taking the time to create pieces that will stand the test of time.

10 tips on how to repurpose evergreen content

Now that you know what evergreen content is and why it's so important, let's share some tips on how to repurpose evergreen content for maximum impact.

1. Make a list of your evergreen content.

If you want to repurpose evergreen content, you need to start by making a list of all the evergreen content you have. This could include blog posts, articles, infographics, eBooks, etc.

2. Create an evergreen content calendar.

Once you have a list of your evergreen content, you can create an evergreen content calendar. This will help you plan and schedule when you'll repurpose each piece of evergreen content. There are numerous content marketing tools that can help you out.

3. Repurpose evergreen content into different formats.

One of the best ways to repurpose evergreen content is to create different versions of it in different formats. For example, you could turn a blog post into an eBook, or an infographic into a video.

4. Create evergreen content bundles.

Another great way to repurpose evergreen content is to create bundles. For example, you could create an eBook bundle that includes several of your best blog posts, or a video bundle that includes your best infographics.

5. Share evergreen content on social media.

Social media is a great way to share evergreen content and drive traffic to your website or blog. You can share evergreen content on your personal social media accounts, or on your business's social media accounts.

6. Send evergreen content to your email list.

If you have an email list, you can use it to promote evergreen content. You can send evergreen content to your email subscribers on a regular basis, or you can create special evergreen content bundles that you only send to your email list.

7. Add evergreen content to your website or blog.

Another great way to promote evergreen content is to add it to your website or blog. You can add evergreen content to your sidebar, or create a special evergreen content section on your website or blog.

8. Use evergreen content in your email signature.

If you want to promote evergreen content without even thinking about it, add it to your email signature. Every time you send an email, your evergreen content will be promoted to whoever receives the email.

9. Use evergreen content in your offline marketing.

You can also use evergreen content in your offline marketing efforts. For example, you could include a QR code on print ads that links to an evergreen blog post or video.

10. Ask other people to share your evergreen content.

One of the best ways to promote evergreen content is to ask other people to share it for you. This could include influencers in your industry, or people who have shared your content in the past.

If you follow these tips, you'll be able to repurpose evergreen content and get more mileage out of it. This will help you save time and money, and it will help you reach a larger audience.

Determining content worth keeping and repurposing

When it comes to content, there's a lot of it out there. And unfortunately, not all of it is evergreen. So how do you determine which pieces are worth keeping and repurposing? Here are a few tips: 

  1. Take a look at your website's analytics. Which pieces of content are getting the most traffic? These are the ones that are worth repurposing. 
  1. See which pieces of content are being shared the most on social media. Again, these are the ones that are resonating with your audience and are worth repurposing. 
  1. Pay attention to the comments and feedback you're getting on your blog and social media. If a particular piece of content is generating a lot of discussion, it's definitely worth repurposing. 

Keep these tips in mind as you go through your evergreen content strategy and you'll be sure to create something that's truly valuable for your audience.

Why it’s definitely okay to repurpose content

You probably have a love-hate relationship with content. If you're like most people, you probably think that repurposing content is a bad thing. After all, isn't it just recycling old material instead of coming up with new and original ideas?

Actually, no. Repurposing content is a perfectly valid and effective way to get the most out of your evergreen content. In fact, it can be a great way to breathe new life into old material. Here are four reasons why it's definitely okay to repurpose evergreen content:

  1. It saves you time and effort.
  2. It helps you reach a wider audience.
  3. It keeps your content fresh and relevant.
  4. It can help you rank higher in search engines.

So, next time you're feeling stuck for ideas, don't be afraid to go back to your evergreen content and give it a new lease on life. You might be surprised at just how effective it can be.

Key takeaways

Yes, evergreen content may be a lot of work, but it definitely has its perks. Coming up with new evergreen topics to write about can be daunting, but rest assured that it is entirely possible. Even if you probably have a love-hate relationship with evergreen content.

  • Take a step back and evaluate your ideas. Consider how you can make your content timeless and ever-relevant upon repurposing.
  • Repurposing evergreen content in multiple ways keeps it fresh and engaging; pulling in a different audience every time.
  • Focus on the long-term benefits of evergreen content, including that it can help you attract new readers and improve your search engine rankings. 

If you want your content to stand the test of time, evergreen content is a must. By repurposing your evergreen content in fresh and engaging ways, you can keep your readers coming back for more. And, as an added bonus, evergreen content can also help you attract new readers and improve your search engine rankings. So what are you waiting for? Get started on creating your own evergreen content today!

If you have any other questions, send us a message via our Facebook, X, and LinkedIn accounts. Let’s chat!