Propelrr’s Digital Marketing Blogs to Help You Plan for 2016

Francis Gary Viray

Author & Editor

Founder & CEO

Published on: Dec 29, 2015 Updated on: May 28, 2024

Exciting things are happening in digital marketing. We are seeing several powerbrands rising to prominence while some are taking a nosedive. We are sensing a lot of great changes too, to further (take advantage of the digital media) improve the relationship between businesses and its customers. We are getting clear answers to seemingly unimaginable questions such as “Why do birds suddenly appear?” or “Where do broken hearts go?”

Kidding aside, the future of digital marketing is still unknown, at least for the majority.

Thanks to the well thought out strategies, original ideas, clear updates, and consistent digital marketing blogs that guided us all throughout the year and remains to be relevant for 2016. Today, as we continue to witness a watershed in the evolution of digital marketing and before this year ends, the last thing you need to be stressing over is what to do in 2016.

Here’s a little help. If you’re on the hunt for the new and bold perspective in marketing, I have listed down some of our editor’s picks that you should pay attention to. These articles talk about the least-discussed elements on digital strategy, content marketing, social media, search engine optimization, pay-per-click, and other facets of the new digital reality.


Digital Marketing

4 Solid Revenue-Driven Digital Marketing Tips For Local Stores

Is your store coping up with the digital world? I can hear your unassertive “Yes!”

Alright, cool. You have over 1 million fans on Facebook, a staggering 10,000 organic traffic to your website, and let us say a few influencers linking to your blog. How cute is that?

Well, this piece of treasure right here has been cited by Adweek, Hubspot, Smart Insights, Social Media Today, and other international online publications. The author, Gary Viray, president of Propelrr, talks about making sense out of data and how to integrate offline and online marketing efforts.

You are primarily a physical store with the need for continuous and higher revenue to continue the operation, right? Clear the grey areas on how to properly capitalize your digital presence by connecting it to your offline marketing initiatives now!

UX Design

12 Simple and Often-ignored UI Elements That Improve Usability

Are you ready to get hit right in the face? Before you read this, make sure you are.

User experience keeps getting complex, or rather, no-brainer and for the evidence of that, read no further but Chee Saplala’s 12 Simple and Often-ignored UI Elements That Improve Usability. If you wish to learn more about User Interface, there might be other influencers to follow, but this bold argument on UX and UI will surprise you on how dumb we all are as users.

I know that a lot of you think you have UI in the bag, but most of the time  simple elements like arrows and sticky-menus are ignored. So you think you know UI? Think twice, or better yet, thrice.

Social Media

High-Impact Social Media Marketing Strategies On Revenue and Brand Equity

You have 10,000 likes on Facebook, 15,000 followers on Instagram, and 500 retweets on X. How flashy!

I’m sorry to say that your social media marketing efforts are worthless. Now, hold on, don’t be offended just yet. Most brands delving into social networks stop at the shallows — likes, comments, and shares. However, only a few really know how big their payoff is for those long hours of planning, posting, and commenting. Do you know whether your brand is winning or losing on these networking platforms? If not, now is the best time to start figuring it out. Sit down and  pay attention on how you can use social media as a powerful sales tool.

Yes dear, it is not all sugar plums and fairy dust. You wish. Well, thankfully, social media offers more than we know it does. Start reading and slither your social media game plan!

Content Marketing

Revisiting Content Consumption Cycle For Your Content Strategy

As the economy and different industries disrupt one another, content consumption is hugely being disrupted as well.  You think your audience can just click on your content then holly moolah, that’s it. Stoically, that ain’t where the drama is. David Hernandez, content strategist at Propelrr, discusses how modern audiences consume content.

Consumers are moving outside the mainstream content consumption funnel — changing the way they discover, evaluate, act on, and consume content. And if your strategy hasn’t caught up yet, it should.

Think you already knew it? Try.

Search Engine Optimization

High Priority SEO Calibrations After A Glorious Full Technical Audit

Pretty sure everyone is familiar with SEO.

The changes in search are undeniably stunning, causing marketers to tighten their belts and hold on to their seats, wary how will it impact the brand’s digital presence. Everybody wants to be on top; others are fine as runner ups. Keyword research, link building, technical site audit — name it. You’ve tried it all and you thought the work is over.

Turns out, it is far from over. A gutty article from Advanced Web Ranking talked about crucial SEO calibrations that you must do after a full technical site audit in order to unveil the power of search.

Now, get a cup of coffee and put on your technical hat.


Unleashing the Hero Data

As the game continues to change, one critical element in successful marketing strategy remains constant — data science. Oh boy! You gotta continue and face your fear of numbers.

Yes, most of the time, marketers get too wrangled with all the data available. This leaves them dumbfounded as to what they should really measure. After gathering all the numbers, digital marketers are forced to answer the question, “so what?” What in the world will you do with all those numbers, graphs, analyses, and reports?

Keep calm. We can save your campaign. We can save your business. Start by reading the article, Unleash The Hero Data.


Actionable Tips in Testing Google Adwords Ad Copies

PPC has humbled a lot of marketers’ “marketing expertise.”

If you have been using Adwords, I am certain that you’ve once wondered why your competitor’s ad copies were getting higher returns than yours. Your competitor says “50% OFF”, you say “BUY 1 GET 1 FOR FREE”! That’s hilariously the same but why, you ask.  

It is plain as the nose on our faces. If you get it right and lead better business returns for you, it is no luck. So, congratulations! But if you get it wrong, maybe you’re missing the lowest hanging fruit — testing.

An article by Vino Bolisay talks about the necessary evil of optimizing your PPC campaign. Get ready to get a bang from your ad spent as you read on these actionable tips.

Busy year ahead, huh? Tell us your own list through the comment box or meet us on Facebook, X or LinkedIn for some exciting convo.