Social Media Listening Service

Everyone has a say about something on the Internet. The simple act of posting or reviewing your product or service holds power over you and your brand. Ever thought about that? Didn’t think so.

Our social listening services track your audience and customer perception on different Internet platforms to answer the unnerving question at the back of your mind: What do customers think about my brand? What are they saying about our competitors?

Social media listening is a way to extract information from the World Wide Web, notably social media channels, blogs, forums, and news sites to unearth your audience perception of your brand. At least online, of course.

Why have a social listening service?

Doing social listening helps our social media team calibrate our strategy and measure your customer engagement. The result of our social listening process helps us pinpoint the joys and plights of your brand. Knowing the public’s perception of your brand helps us set the right light and background for your brand while managing your weak points in the backdrop.

It doesn’t always have to be your brand vs. the whole World Wide Web. Don’t forget, our social media management services can mold public perception.

Don’t believe us? Walkthrough our social listening process to see what we mean.

1. Determine the keyword

The process starts with a simple keyword.

Our social media team determines the keyword or phrase that best links to your brand. We use the keyword to unearth public perceptions and single-out competitors who are aiming for the same goal as you.

2. Select a platform to listen to

Listening to the whole Internet can get noisy. To sound out the noise, we choose relevant platforms where your audience might frequent and start listening from there.


As Facebook is one of the most popular social media platforms available, we scour the social media platform with posts, images, videos, and other types of content found on the platform.


A social media platform that’s great for trending topics and events, with Twitter social listening, we determine the topics your brand and customer can relate to the most. We can also find out the different hashtags your competitors are using, and what trending topics we can hinge on to gain the public opinion in your favor.


The visual-heavy social media giant can also go through the social listening process. Our social media experts go through thousands of posts, hashtags, and pinned locations to see hat they’re posting and saying about your brand. Who knows, these posts might just be good enough to share on your brand’s social media profile and count as user-generated content. Two birds with one stone, yeah?

3. Gather insight and strategize

We keep the results of our social listening service in mind when building our social media strategy. This gives our social media experts an outside-in look at how we can correct the public perception or aid in promoting the brand in a positive light. 

The opportunities and misses seen during social listening can be enhanced for the brand’s next run.  This helps us determine your next move, plan ahead, and execute perfectly from the playbook. 

If you want to learn more about our process, check out our social media listening guide for better brand insight.

Thanks to a social media company in the Philippines, like Propelrr, you can get a deeper sense of understanding of what your company is from the customer perspective. We can help you project the better brand you want your market to remember you as.

We can optimize your execution, real-time, as quickly as the snap of a finger. We can find the best trend or update and use it to our advantage. We can help you ride the waves to popularity, creating a positive noise for your brand.

Our team never misses the opportunity to protect and boost our clients’’ online presence. We make sure that the issues and trends are responded to. We guarantee building and growing relationships with the customers online, making you a trusted and ever-reliable brand. 

We can connect to whom you matter—and need to matter—the most. We help businesses connect and engage in the highest and lowest depths of the digisphere. This can help you create the most meaningful impact on your market, which can generate your leads.

Are you having a hard time making your brand known? Let’s have a quick chat.