6 Types of Website Applications for Smart Online Marketing

Jarniel Cataluña

Author & Editor

Senior Software Engineer

Published on: Nov 1, 2022 Updated on: May 16, 2024

Convenience is king in today’s digital world, and nothing is more convenient for expert marketers than robust website applications.

Web applications aren't just a fancy component of your digital executions. At their best, they can help you work smarter and better through automation and other capabilities.

So when you want to make things more convenient for your complex online marketing work, leveraging website applications are a low-cost and effective way to do it. As long as you know the type and extent of work you'll need these apps for, your web design and development team can easily integrate them.

Whether you’re thinking of developing a web application for your brand’s needs or not, you can still use existing expert tools to jumpstart your efforts and drive digital success right away.

Let’s get into the basics of these internet-based programs and ease your way into more smarter digital marketing this year.

What are website applications?

A web application, also known as a web app, is an application built with web technologies that allows users to perform tasks over the internet. They can be used on devices like computers, laptops, phones, or tablets, and require an internet connection to be utilized.

For digital marketers, web applications are an excellent way to optimize certain promotions tasks, some of which you’ll find in the next section.

Why use web apps for your digital marketing efforts?

Not only are these tools convenient to access and easy to use, but they have a whole host of other benefits to them as well.

  • Automates digital marketing efforts. These internet-based programs speed up your entire online promotions process by automating tasks like sending emails, optimizing social media posts, collecting data, and more. 
  • Reduces resources spent on menial tasks. Because these applications can automate a lot of parts in the overall digital marketing process, you end up reducing resources spent on the more menial and repetitive tasks too.
  • Tends to be a faster build. When compared to their mobile counterparts, web applications are usually faster to develop because you only need to make one version of the app to serve all operating systems online.

Let technology work for you by utilizing these convenient tools in your digital marketing process. Keep on reading to discover the best types and examples of web apps that will make your life easier today.

The best web application examples and types

Here’s your comprehensive guide to the most common types of web applications for digital marketing, along with the best examples of these useful systems for all your strategies and executions.

1. Social media management tools

This first type of web app has a clear benefit for digital marketers: it assists you in centralizing and executing tasks related to social media, from creating and posting content to tracking and analyzing detailed results.

One expert example of this app type is Buffer. This social media management app primarily offers automated scheduling, but it also includes content curation, analytics, team management, and customer support features. Buffer’s basic services are free, and their advanced services are available in monthly and yearly payment intervals.

Another great tool to use is HootSuite. This app can be used to plot out your content calendar and schedule posts, all to maintain a regular social media presence for your brand. Both the web and mobile application versions of HootSuite can be used for content curation, analytics, and team management.

2. Marketing automation tools

This next set of web apps on the list are more generally used to automate almost any online promotions task, ranging from email marketing, to lead tracking, and more. Marketing automation tools can save you time, resources, and money, allowing you to develop even more digital campaigns for your brand online.

A great example of an expert automation tool is MailChimp. This marketing automation assistant engages your customers via email, and the app’s free services include data collection for email opens, bounces, unsubscribes, and even conversions.

Another tool for this type of marketing work is OptinMonster. This assistant has everything you need to promote content through automated email marketing and campaign creation. While OptinMonster has no free options, this tool has a low-cost basic plan that you can easily utilize for all your marketing needs.

3. Website builders

Specific to generating and developing websites, these builders allow businesses to create secure and professional-looking websites without the added cost of hiring an outside designer. This app is especially useful for smaller businesses who need to get a website up and running quickly to drive user engagement and conversions. 

One great website builder for small businesses is Wix. This popular app is user-friendly and can help you design secure websites from existing templates and intuitive features. Wix doesn’t include any setup fees or monthly contracts, so you can start building your website without upfront costs.

Weebly is another excellent option for small brands. Similar to Wix, it’s easy to use and it lets you create a new website in minutes. It also lets you set up a basic website for free, with various marketing and support features as well.

4. Landing page builders

Similar to the previous entry on this list, landing page builders aid businesses in creating professional-looking landing pages, specifically for capturing and converting leads. Landing page builders are a quick and effective way to get information out to online users, bringing them closer to a conversion for your brand.

A popular example of a content management system (CMS) for landing pages is WordPress. Overall, this app is amazing to use in web development for business, but with its user-friendly CMS solutions, you can publish content quickly, easily, and for free.

A lesser-known example of a landing page builder is CampaignWatch. While this builder isn’t only utilized for landing page creation, its standout feature includes assistance on landing page building and optimization - perfect for all your landing page needs.

5. Analytics tools

These types of web apps are made to help businesses track the progress of their online campaigns and promotions. Data analytics tools let you adjust and optimize your campaigns while they’re ongoing, and they help you collect and interpret data after the campaign ends. They’re a great way to maximize overall executions for your brand online. 

One example of a useful analytics tool includes Google Analytics. This free and accessible  web application generally analyzes and reports site traffic, but it can also help track online user activities by embedding tracking codes onto your site. This lets you collect and study user data from the moment they enter your site to the point of exit.

Another example is Cyfe, an analytics tool that collects data from platforms like Google, Instagram, and LinkedIn. This tool allows you to track business and client data all over, giving you a better understanding of how your brand is doing online.

6. Acquisition and lead management tools

Last but not least on this list of web application types are acquisition and lead management tools. This type of web software aids businesses in tracking and moving leads from acquisition to completion, which helps to drive conversions in an efficient and organized way.

A great example of an acquisition and lead management application is MondayOS. This award-winning software helps your brand collaborate on tasks for lead acquisition. While it’s best to access the paid versions of this app, MondayOS is worth the splurge because of its wide range of automations, tracking systems, integrations, and analytics.

One last example of a useful web application is Slack. This lead management system lets you communicate with your teams and allows for cross-integration with other workflow apps. Most of the features on the system are free, but Slack’s Premium plans have additional features that you can also benefit from greatly.

Digital marketing practices that benefit from web apps

Now that you have a better understanding of the types and examples of apps you can use for your online promotion plans, you might be curious about the other ways web applications can benefit your brand’s executions.

Here’s a brief overview of the ways in which web development can be useful to the other aspects of your digital marketing:

  • UX design and the customer experience (CX). Web apps make UX design and CX easier to navigate by automating the design process and returning customer feedback for your UX design optimization needs.
  • Web development. A well-developed website allows you to market your business online, establish brand credibility, and expand your audience reach exponentially.
  • SEO and content marketing. Majority of the web apps and online tools you’ll find on the internet integrate SEO best practices into their systems, ensuring optimal content executions for your business.
  • Promotional channels. Given how your promotional channels are all online, web applications for your field of expertise will aid you in simultaneously optimizing channels for paid advertising, social media, and email marketing.
    • Paid advertising - web applications serve to automate, analyze, and optimize the creation of paid ads.
    • Social media - web tools can help you schedule, curate, and manage your social media content marketing.
    • Email marketing - web systems let you generate, organize, and send out emails automatically for your campaigns. 
  • Analytics and reporting. Web-based analytics tools can easily aid you in collecting, sorting, and reporting data that is relevant to your online promotion plans, thus making your work a lot faster than usual.
  • Acquisition and lead management. Tools for acquisition and lead management, on the other hand, can help in organizing and tracking your leads with streamlined systems and accessible customer information.
  • Customer retention. When executed the right way, all these digital practices lead to customer retention and increased conversions - thus reinforcing a positive relationship that you can build with your web applications for promotions.

In short, web apps can help you in all aspects of online promotions. From automation to optimization, these useful web applications can help drive digital success for your business when you utilize them in your digital marketing strategy today.

Key takeaways

There’s no wonder that the trend for using web apps in digital marketing is growing at an amazing rate. Given how convenient and efficient these tools are for online marketers, you’d be remiss to underutilize these apps for your business executions this year.

So take note of these final takeaways as you leverage these tools for digital marketing:

  • Find the tool that works best for you. While you’re now familiar with the different types and examples of web applications for your promotional executions, always choose the app that fits your brand’s specific and unique needs.
  • Integrate your team when leveraging these apps. That way, you’re activating the full potential of the technical and human aspects of your digital strategy.
  • Expand your marketing strategy by utilizing these tools. Once you have a great handle on automating executions with these apps, you can expand your marketing horizons and experiment with newer tools for your campaigns this year.

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