Strategy Tips Based on Meta’s Performance 5 Framework

Francis Gary Viray

Author & Editor

Founder & CEO

Published on: Nov 1, 2022 Updated on: May 22, 2024

Meta’s (formerly known as Facebook) exciting new Performance 5 framework is finally here, and pay-per-click (PPC) management professionals couldn’t be more intrigued. This latest set of digital advertising strategy tips for Facebook is making waves in the PPC world, redefining the ways experts drive optimization wins for digital marketing ads today.

PPC pros and business owners alike want to gain insight on how to take action based on Meta’s Performance 5 framework to improve their own marketing strategies ASAP. iOS security updates and user privacy movements have caused recent dips in Facebook ad success, so it’s no wonder that experts need new marketing tactics that leverage this current framework.

Are you a PPC pro or tech-savvy business owner in need of tips for digital marketing with Meta’s Performance 5? Then keep on reading to discover actionable ways to implement this strategy for Facebook this year.

What is Meta’s Performance 5 framework?

What is Meta’s Performance 5 framework?
Photo courtesy of Facebook

Meta’s Performance 5 framework is a list of the five pillars of Facebook advertising that advertisers must tackle to ensure Facebook ad optimization wins. Through Performance 5, this tech giant summarizes their digital marketing tips for advertisers everywhere and promises surefire wins that improve ad results today.

Here’s your comprehensive rundown of the Performance 5 pillars, and how you can integrate them into your paid digital advertising strategy right now:

1. Setup conversions API alongside Meta pixel.

The first thing to check off on this list is to run your website’s conversions API (application-programming interface) tool alongside Meta pixel.

In broad terms, your conversions API creates a connection between PPC ads and events on your website. This allows for accurate attribution for your ad campaigns so you know which ones are effective in meeting your goals.

Doing so doubles up the accuracy of tracking, helping you gain more reliable data and insights for improving campaigns. Through a combination of both, you can take strategic steps to reduce your costs per action, and get precise measurements for ad success.

Setting up conversions API and pixel is easy. Just head over to Meta’s own Events Manager, check if your brand’s website runs on one of its own partner platforms, and then follow the setup instructions accordingly.

2. Simplify your ad sets.

The second pillar of Performance 5 is to simplified ad sets.

Running similar ad sets at the same time can lower each ad layout’s chances to gain clear and specific results. Instead, opt to simplify and consolidate sets. With that way, you can get quick and crisp results to help you improve your ad performance right away.

To do that, you should keep similar-looking ad creatives in one layout. Next, you should also avoid targeting overlapping audiences in separate campaigns. And finally, turn off other competing sets in your account to ensure the best ad set structure possible.

3. Go broad with targeting.

The next thing you should do is to set up broad targeting in your Audience settings to reach more potential customers and bypass user privacy limitations.

Digital advertising strategy tip from Meta: Go broad with targeting.

Recent iOS security updates and user privacy movements have caused major dips in many brands’ Facebook ad success. These limitations on data collection have negatively impacted digital marketers, changing the ways in which they track conversions and deliver ads to consumers online.

So by unlocking the power of broad targeting - like setting your audience reach from one million to ten million, or by turning on Advantage detailed targeting - you can define your audiences more clearly and produce better ad results with Meta today.

4. Use mobile-friendly videos.

Video content is the most consumed format online, today. So it’s no wonder that Meta made this part of its Performance 5 pillars.

Hence, if you want to get more visibility and capture attention, you should leverage mobile-friendly videos for your ad campaigns.

It’s important to remember the emphasis on “mobile-friendly”. This is because mobile-friendly videos have a vertical orientation, versus traditional video’s landscape. This provides a more non-discruptive and immersive experience of your Meta Ad for your audiences.

Follow a vertical orientation for shooting or editing your videos, so you can optimize for better results – be it from engagement to the conversions you’re eyeing.

Additionally, try to aim for shorter videos that are no longer fifteen seconds. Be creative and deliver your message in a punchy and crisp way.

Tools such as Meta’s Advantage+ Creative will help you do that.

5. Always test your ads.

Lastly, you must remember to A/B test your campaigns. This is so you can discover drivers for success and, in turn, adjust and optimize your ads to maximize results.

Also called a split test, an A/B test is a marketing experimentaiont technique that compares two or more versions of an ad. Through this comparison, you are able to determine which version performs best for your campaign objectives.

Once your “champion” execution rises above, you continue to build on it for maximum return on investment given your budget.

By conducting an A/B test in your brand’s Meta Ads Manager, you can optimize your ad variables and understand what does and doesn’t work towards your business goals. This will help you discover the drivers of your ad results, and provides you with keen insight on how to improve your future campaigns on Facebook.

Other important considerations when running your Meta Ads

These five pillars for performance from Meta are clear-cut already. However, there are other important considerations you will need to mind when running your Facebook campaigns this year.

Some aspects of PPC management that you could potentially miss, are:

  • Clarifying campaign objectives. You can make use of comprehensive Facebook ad checklists to ensure that you’re hitting all objectives for your campaign.
  • Optimizing landing pages. Before executing strategies for your campaign, make sure to optimize your landing pages so that potential customers can also complete conversions smoothly when they check your brand out.
  • Using ad relevance diagnostics. Ad relevance is often correlated with campaign performance, but a high relevance score doesn’t automatically equate to great campaign performance. Use ad relevance diagnostics to diagnose your campaign’s success drivers and optimize based on objectives - not ad relevance scores.

By considering these three aspects alongside the tactics listed in Meta’s Performance 5, you’ll gain better results on your advertisements and drive even more PPC wins for your brand this year.

Key takeaways

Meta’s comprehensive framework for all things Facebook advertising is an exciting arrival in the digital marketing world today. Make the most out of their list of expert tips by bringing these key takeaways with you on your advertising journey:

  • Simplify executions. From integrating your Conversions API with their systems, to consolidating your ad layout and sets, Meta encourages you to simplify your campaign strategies for better and clearer results.
  • Adapt with the times. You also have to keep an eye out for broad tech updates and the latest digital trends so that you can adapt your strategies with the times.
  • Keep learning. Whether you learn through A/B testing or by talking to experts for digital marketing tips, keep your mind open to new learnings and experiences to drive campaign wins consistently.

What do you think about the scope of the Performance 5 framework? Let us know over on Facebook, X, and LinkedIn.

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