17 YouTube Video Content Ideas to Boost Brand Awareness

Maria Domenica Baquilod

Author & Editor

Social Media Team Lead

Published on: May 10, 2021 Updated on: May 16, 2024

YouTube video content ideas for capturing and maintaining audience interests can run out faster than the time it took you to come up with them. Make sure you're never missing a beat in your video content marketing efforts with the help of this list.

More engaging and easy-to-consume, video content has skyrocketed in popularity in the last years. In 2020 alone, more than 40 million adults watched videos on YouTube every month. It's the second most used social media network in the Philippines next to Facebook, with 95 percent of internet users on the platform. What's more interesting about it is that 63 percent of these audiences also agree that YouTube helps them decide which brands to buy, according to a 2018 Google report.

That's added proof to the fact that people are watching not just for the sake of being entertained, anymore. This only solidifies what you might have only been guessing at before; that the great majority now watch with the intent to buy. It's no wonder then, that video is one of the most commonly used tactics in content marketing to increase investment in YouTube ads.

But along with its benefits comes the known fact that it’s one of the most difficult types of content to produce. Add to that, coming up with fresh, new YouTube video content ideas is only the first layer of challenge. This is why our social media marketing team is bent on helping brands with this type of content.

Youtube Video Content Ideas You Can Try

Using the YouTube video content ideas our team outlined below, start a channel and build brand awareness:

  1. Brand history
  2. Team introduction
  3. Product announcements
  4. Product demonstration or explanation 
  5. Product or service comparisons 
  6. Influencer videos 
  7. Industry myth-busting 
  8. Milestone celebration 
  9. Business success tips 
  10. How-to’s 
  11. Inspirational or thought leadership 
  12. Live discussion 
  13. Customer stories and testimonials 
  14. Behind the scenes 
  15. Day in the life  
  16. Before and after 
  17. Office tour

1. Brand history

As a way of introducing your brand to the world, let the audience know how you started. People love watching humble beginnings, especially because they usually inspire resilience amid the challenges of starting out.

If you’re an exquisite and sophisticated brand, you may want to consider a film trailer format. A brand that has a historical past would do well in documentary-style video content.

If you’re a little fun and quirky, an animation may be a good idea to explore, just like what construction toy Lego did. Brand history can be your first Youtube video on the channel.

2. Team introduction

This is one Youtube channel idea that can easily engage your social media fans. The truth is, consumers are actually curious about the people behind brands. They want to know who exactly they’re doing business with, so this has the potential to attract views and as a result, build brand awareness. Again, there are many ways to “style” this type of video.

For one, you can do a straightforward feature of who does what, similar to what self-service ticketing platform Eventbrite did. Or, you can also do a quiz-type challenge wherein team members identify who’s what, depending on the series of questions.

3. Product announcements

Of course, no list for branded video content ideas for Youtube is ever complete without the actual feature of products. This tactic is probably the most straightforward approach to building brand awareness.

When you’re announcing the launch of a new product, zoom in on its unique selling points. Why would people want to buy your make-up and not the others on the market? Is it because of the new formula you used? The wide range of options? The accessibility of your products? The selling points must be clear on your product announcement videos. Take notes from the way Apple introduced Apple Fitness +.

4. Product demonstration or explanation

This is one of those Youtube video content ideas you can’t do away with especially when you’re offering a new product in the market that consumers don’t know how to use yet, such as in the case of appliances and gadgets. Obviously, this is a must-have content when your customers are already asking how to use your product or service, such as in the case of cold wax Esme Organics:

Your video must at least have instructions on how to turn on and off the device and how to switch to different modes. When editing this video content, include chapters for each segment, so viewers can easily refer back to the information they need to know.

5. Product or service comparisons

This is another content idea that can effectively highlight your unique selling points. But of course, don't name your competitor. Don’t use colors or other elements that people could easily associate with your competitor either. Stick to the traditional Brand X and Brand Y label.

To make survey statistics and other figures less boring and intimidating to audiences, you may use animation videos. Or if you’ll have real-life characters talking about the comparisons, consider packaging it in a story. It goes without saying that you should exercise honesty in talking about figures when using this Youtube content idea.

6. Influencer videos

When customers have a high trust level in the influencer you collaborate with, your audiences are more likely to try the recommended products. That said, choose your influencer wisely when creating this kind of content. More than the number of followers, consider the loyalty of the influencer’s audience.

For the actual Youtube video, choose among many types: hauls, unboxing, first impressions, week-or-month-after reviews, and vlogs. Ask your influencer which types have been performing well in their videos. Get inspiration from Mac Cosmetics, which collaborated with big-time influencers like Patrick Starr, Laura Lee, and even Maine Mendoza.

7. Industry myth-busting

No matter how widely available information is on the internet, there’s still a lot of “fake news” about your industry. This may have a negative impact on the products you’re selling. For this reason, myth-busting is a good Youtube content idea.

While doing a haul of your skincare products, you may talk about common misconceptions about expiration dates and application techniques. Or, unbox your new line of furniture, as you discuss myths about leather maintenance, highlighting how durable your furniture pieces are.

8. Milestone celebration

For sure, you’ll have big events celebrating your nth anniversary or the nth product you sold. These celebrations are worth covering in your Youtube channel. Take it from us and our 10 year 'virtual' celebration video:

Aside from the actual celebration, another Youtube video content idea is to highlight what the milestone means for your organization. Have an interview type of conversation with team members, with them looking back at how you’ve grown and looked forward to how you’ll grow further. In case you want to boost the visibility of this video on social media, use this YouTube advertising guide.

9. Business success tips

You’re in the best position to provide business success tips. Even starting ventures can do this because just by the virtue of being in the industry, and surviving unique challenges, you gain credibility. Such credibility is worth capitalizing on for increasing awareness of your brand.

With the topic of business success alone, you can have plenty of Youtube channel ideas, since you can divide them into a series. Some mini-episodes you can include are analyzing competition, promoting products and services, building rapport with customers, managing cash flow, and keeping up with taxes. Gather your team and brainstorm more ideas for this series.

Here's an example:

In this Bank of America video, the brand focused on why self-care and emotional wellness are important for leaders. Other videos on their channel tackle achieving work-life balance, rewarding employees, and navigating tax season.

10. How-to’s

According to the Google report mentioned above, how-to videos are the second most-watched content type on Youtube next to music videos. If you can contribute a how-to in relation to the industry your products and services are in, then you can offer something valuable to customers. Know what the market is looking for by conducting keyword research. This should optimize your how-to video content.

For instance, if indeed you’re in the furniture business, how to design a small room should be included in your Youtube content ideas list, since it’s a point of interest for many. For the automotive brand Ford Philippines, how to change tires and how to stay cool in the car while saving on fuel were a few of their helpful how-to videos.

11. Inspirational or thought leadership

Anything that stimulates motivation and shows your expertise in the field you’re in is worth putting up on your Youtube channel. This includes the presentations of your CEO in webinars, speeches at anniversary events, and even the pep talk in town halls. These types of Youtube content ideas can inform and inspire audiences, which helps increase viewership and brand awareness.

Get inspiration from Microsoft’s video series 'Humans and AI'. It showcased the company’s expertise well while providing value-adding information to their viewers.

12. Live discussion

The best advantage to having a social media live discussion is you’re able to get real-time engagement from your fans. You'll be able to interact with them directly, even say their actual names. This Youtube content idea helps not only in building brand awareness but also in creating a community.

Go for regular question-and-answer sessions on your live broadcasts. Think of topics your audience will be interested in, in relation to your brand of course. Have a few questions ready, then sustain the conversation by reading questions left by the audience. In the case of Colgate Philippines, they recently launched the Special Smiles campaign, going live with the relevant topic Raising Children in the New Normal.

13. Customer Stories and Testimonials

People are more likely to do business with you when they see other people doing business with you. This is why it’s worth featuring past clients on your Youtube video content.

Did you help a property buyer find their dream home? Have a sit-down interview with them — in their new residence. Pulled off a huge catering job for the anniversary of a senior couple? Let the couple and a few guests talk about their dining experience. Allow people to vouch for your products and services.

Local skincare brand Human Nature did this when they launched a campaign urging women to switch from chemical to natural feminine wash for a week. They let their customers tell their experience in a video. Check it out here:

14. Behind the scenes

For every event, document the preparations in video content. Maybe you’re doing an endorsement photoshoot with a popular personality, for sure, people (especially the fans of that celebrity) would want to take a sneak peek at what happened behind the camera. Take a look at how luxury brand Chanel did this kind of video for the Métiers d’art show:

The ultimate behind-the-scenes Youtube video content idea, however, is the making of your product. Do a simple walkthrough of how you create make-ups or furniture, from design to manufacturing.

15. Day in the life 

This type of video content is engaging because we’re generally curious about what others do on a normal day. If possible, feature different jobs in your company, from the chief executive to the team managers down to team members.

Film them from the moment they step in the office until they clock out at the end of their shift. Then, have a few snippets of interviews with them, asking general questions, such as what they love most about their jobs or how they deal with stressful situations at work. A good example of this is this video from global financial services provider JP Morgan.

With this Youtube video content idea, you’ll be able to capture the interest of your audience, and at the same time, give them a peek of your culture inside the company.

16. Before and after

Before and after video content rake in views because people love seeing improvements. So whether you’re working on an interior design of a small room or a no-make-up make-up look for a bride, don’t forget to feature them in a before and after video in your channel. The reveal of the “finished product” can be a separate video content. For sure, your audience will love seeing the surprised, happy faces of your customers.

Aptly, IKEA Canada features these types of content on their channel. Follow it as an example for your first before-and-after video.

17. Office Tour

People are obsessed with property tours. They like to see the homes of their favorite celebrities and vloggers, and virtually tour where they sleep, work out, or take a shower. At the core, we’re curious about how our favorites were shaped by their homes. This is no different for companies.

Your customers would want to know what your office looks like, where you host your meetings, and design products. Take them on a tour. Show off the beauty of your office. With this Youtube video content idea, they’ll know you more, and the operations you manage on a daily basis. They might even want to be part of your growing corporate community. Take notes from how renowned makeup brand Colour Pop Cosmetics did it.

Key takeaways

There’s no doubt that video content is popular, which is why it should be part of your content marketing strategy. In a nutshell, the ideas mentioned above can be summarized in these three points:

  • Determine what your audience wants to watch. The topics you’ll be discussing in your video content should be relevant to the audience you’re trying to reach. Conduct keyword research or a market survey to know what exactly your fans want to see.
  • Decide on a style or format. Whatever topic you decide to discuss, consider how you’ll package it in the video content. Is it going to be a talk show type of material? Interview approach? Would it be better to make an animation out of it? Don’t leave out the aesthetics aspect of video.
  • Don’t forget your brand voice. Aside from the content and the style, what makes videos stand out and brands remembered well are their  unique brand voice. Don’t lose that in the process of video production. Are you quirky, passionate or authentic? Reflect these in your video content.

What can you say about these Youtube video content ideas? Let us know in the comments section or send us a message on Facebook, X or LinkedIn.