16 SEO Technical Audit Tools to Improve Your Site Performance

Francis Gary Viray

Author & Editor

Founder & CEO

Published on: May 20, 2021 Updated on: Jul 29, 2024

Picture this: You are beaming with excitement to get the best rankings for your website. You know you've developed the most interesting and relevant content for your brand, and you took great care in making sure that it's properly optimized for search engines. For this effort, you’re expecting the best results.

But as time passes by, you look at your SERP performance, and nothing. You're still not ranking high enough.

Could there still be something wrong with the content? As an SEO agency. we’re here to tell you (before you go scrapping your project) that it might be a technical SEO issue.

But the only way to know for sure is by getting your SEO technical audit tools and running a few checks.

What is technical SEO?

Technical SEO is as important as getting the best content for your website. Technical SEO is any activity that can help optimize the technical aspects of your website, which results in better crawling, indexing, and rendering for search engine bots. It’s one of the four pillars of SEO that handle the infrastructure and technical capabilities of your website.

A technically optimized website can help search engine bots easily understand your website, earn site trust, and raise your rankings on SERP. But of course, there are a lot of search engine requirements that you need to satisfy such as the following examples:

  1. Your website needs to be fast. 
  2. Your website needs to be mobile-friendly.
  3. Your website needs to be free from repetitive or duplicated content.
  4. Your website needs to have an easy-to-navigate site structure.
  5. Your website needs to have rich snippets.

Looking at the first requirement alone, you would need to find ways to optimize your page speed. And it will surely take lots of time, effort, and even money to deal with the other requirements listed for technical SEO.

But do not fret! You can always ask help from a tried-and-trusted SEO company to double up your efforts with the best SEO audit tools. In this article, we round up the must-have tools that will help technically optimize your website.

Must-Have Technical SEO Audit Tools

1. Ahrefs Site Audit Tool

Ahrefs is definitely one of the essential digital marketing tools that you need. It has tools for keyword rankings, ranking progress monitoring, and effective content research. And of course, it also has one of the best SEO technical audit tools. Their audit tool covers a comprehensive look at more than 100 possible audit issues such as web performance, content quality, social tags, resources, incoming and outgoing links, and many more.

2. CognitiveSEO

cognitive seo

If there is anything that CognitiveSEO is proud of, it’s fixing your SEO concerns quickly. This is why it is no wonder that this is also one of their SEO audit tools’ best features. CognitiveSEO’s tools include repairing and fixing website issues and errors, correcting site architecture concerns, and providing efficient SEO data analysis to help level up your rankings.

3. SEMrush Site Audit

SEMRush Site Audit

SEMRush’s specialty includes competitive and organic research from keywords, backlinks, and other analytics. And their awesome SEO technical audit tools provide insightful and actionable data as well. SEMRush’s Site Audit provides digital marketers with thematic reports and on-point instructions and directions for the basic technical SEO requirements like loading speed, internal linking, content concerns, meta tags, security protocols of HTTPs, to name a few.

4. Moz SEO Audit Crawl

moz site audit and crawl

Moz is one of the powerhouse digital marketing tools out there. For this, it’s true that you’ll have a Moz tool ready for any SEO task that you might have. Moz’ SEO audit tools not only crawls and audit your site, but makes sure you fix your technical issues fast. In addition to this, they also have weekly reports on critical crawl issues, and other technical SEO essentials like rank tracking, on-page optimization, and link research.

5. ScreamingFrog SEO Spider Tool

ScreamingFrog’s SEO Spider Tool is truly like a spider, for it searches high and low in both small and large websites, and comes back with insightful recommendations. It is one of the powerful SEO audit tools, as it spots broken links, finds and identifies redirects, crawls rich Javascript websites, and evaluates site architecture. Aside from that, this efficient spider tool also does page title and meta description analysis, finds duplicate elements headings or descriptions, and meta robot directives.

6. Google Search Console

Google’s effective Search Console Tools should be a good addition to your growing list of SEO technical audit tools. This site audit tool is a must-try since it comes from one of the well-known search engines itself. It has detailed analytics on website engagements such as clicks and impressions based on Google searches. Its tools also include an inspection tool directly receiving information from Google’s index, so that you can get comprehensive crawling and indexing information.

7. DeepCrawl


From the name itself, you already know that DeepCrawl has what it takes to become one of the awesome SEO technical audit tools. It offers a full crawl experience in its rich technical SEO tools. One of its impressive tools is the Deep Crawl Protect: SEO Automation Hub. This tool has quick and easy integration for the CI/CD pipeline, as well as over 207 SEO QA tests that are also automated.

8. SpyFu


SpyFu sure has a competitive spy for site audits. Not only that, it has unlimited and combined research and quick solutions tools for both SEO and PPC information. For SpyFU’s SEO tools, it boasts of competitor tools for multiple sites, detailed keyword ranking history, competitor backlink checks, and quick SEO rankings and impressions reports. They also have tools that dig deep on SERPs analysis and PPC ad tests for successful site advertising.

9. MajesticSEO

Majestic holds true to its name, as its majestic SEO audit tools are definitely a must-have for digital marketing. They have effective tools for any of your SEO needs, such as keyword generators; different trust-flows; referring elements like domains, IPs, and Subnets; and bulk backlink checkers and history. Also part of Majestic’s wide array of tools that are perfect for technical SEO is its site and search explorer, fresh index, and custom reports.

10. Alexa’s Site Audit Tools

alexa's site audit tools

The best SEO technical audit tools have their goals in check, and that includes the purposes of Alexa’s Site Audit Tools. These tools waste no time in finding your technical SEO problems, providing direct instructions to solve them, and continuously tracking website progress. Its SEO health reports are also categorized for common crawl issues like crawl errors, speed analysis, and security concerns.

11. Google PageSpeed Insights

If you want mobile and desktop insights, Google PageSpeed Insights has you covered. It’s another set of the best SEO audit tools crafted by the search engine giant. Its simple features include summaries of page performances, easy classification of areas that are excellent and need improvement, and reports on web vitals. In addition, Google PageSpeed Insights don’t skip on opportunities, as it has suggestions and diagnostics to help you improve your website’s performance.

12. Bing Webmaster Tools

Here’s another search engine powerhouse with its own SEO audit tools. Bing Webmaster Tools provides insightful analytics and free SEO tools for none other than the Bing SERPs. Its impressive array of tools includes, but is not limited to a detailed dashboard, helpful reporting tools, effective diagnostic tools, communication features, and one-of-a-kind SEO tools to improve crawling and indexing on your website.

13. SurferSEO

surfer seo

Who knew you can actually gain successful results fast? This is exactly the goal of Surfer SEO’s best SEO audit tools. They waste no time helping you achieve your search engine goals. Their tools target optimizing blog spots years in no time, providing precise and comprehensive lists of accomplished SEO tasks, and giving insights on landing pages. Overall, Surfer SEO tools also have extensive analysis in every step of your SEO activities.

14. Raven Tools’ Website Auditor

raven tools website auditor

Raven Tools’ Website Auditor flexibility is its characteristic that earned its reputation as some of the best SEO audit tools. This tool lets you choose your website auditor based on six primary criteria, namely meta issues, visibility issues, image issues, content issues, link issues, desktop and mobile page speed, and semantic issues. Raven Tool’s Website Auditor also has automated and scheduled audits and has customizable audit settings that let you choose inclusions and exclusions on your crawl analysis.

15. GTMetrix

GTMetrix’s SEO technical audit tools capture the essence of the words “clear and easy.”  Some of the tools provide highlights on performance indicators, scheduled and clear visualizations of website monitoring, and page analysis suited for 22 different locations around the world. In addition to these, GTMetrix provides analysis on mobile optimization and other helpful features such as adblocks, URL filters, cookie sessions data, and HTTP authentication.

16. Google Lighthouse

This is a simple yet powerful tool for Chrome. It can crawl and index websites, whether they are in the public domain or needing authentication procedures. This stress-free tool provides user-friendly reports, automated command features, quick integration systems, and fast report linkings minus the tedious installation processes.

Key takeaways

Technical SEO is an essential part of yielding rich and trusted rankings in search engine result pages. Always remember the following when it comes to optimizing your website performance through technical SEO:

  • A technically optimized website should be able to meet requirements, such as fast website speed, a mobile-friendly interface, duplicate-free contents, easy-to-navigate site architecture, and rich snippets.
  • It’s not a requirement to try each and every single tool mentioned in this list, but it is important to diagnose what technical improvement your website needs to perform better. It can be a spammy link that affects traffic, keywords that you’re not ranking for, or unoptimized assets that affect page speed. If you know the problem then you can also determine what tool works best to solve it.

Should you need any help with your technical SEO concerns, you are always welcome to ask our experts directly via Facebook, X, and LinkedIn.