5+ Clubhouse App Digital Marketing Clubs You Should Follow

Anna Dominik Banzon

Author & Editor

Content Team Lead

Published on: Apr 9, 2021 Updated on: May 31, 2024

Voice-only online networking platform Clubhouse app is the new cool kid on the block setting the pace for social media trends of 2021 with its growing user base.

Raking in nearly 13 million installs after its launch in April 2020, the Clubhouse app is slowly reshaping the social media landscape as we know it. That social media giants Facebook and X followed jumped on the trend is added evidence of its disruption of the scene. This is even more emphasized by loudening talks surrounding Facebook’s plans to develop a competing platform to Clubhouse and of X’s recently launched Spaces. Adding the rumored plans for an acquisition in the mix, it’s safe to say that ignoring this trend is almost impossible.

In that regard, digital marketers are the first to respond to the heightening discussions. More and more practitioners are flocking to the Clubhouse app and Spaces for many purposes including and, most importantly, networking. We should know, because as a social media marketing agency looking to learn and network, we’re on the platform, too.

By now, you should be wondering: “how I get started on Clubhouse?” Or, if you already have an account set up, “how do I network on Clubhouse?” "is it possible to leverage this for influencer marketing?" The answers, you’ll find in the following chapters of this article. But first, let’s get a few important details out of the way.

Who can join Clubhouse?

In usual cases, anyone who has a smartphone and an email address can join any social networking platform. However, such is not the case with Clubhouse – or not yet, at least.

As an invite-only platform, you can only join if you have received an invite from an already active user who, in addition, only has a very limited amount of invites to give out. This asserts the app's 'exclusive' branding, and limits who and how many can sign up at any given time.

But getting the invite isn't the only catch here. In order to be able to create a Clubhouse account, you must also be using an iOS device. Currently, the app is only available on iOS devices as Clubhouse says it may take months before it can be available on Android.

If both of these conditions are met, then congratulations: you can now begin to network on the Clubhouse app.

Clubhouse Rooms for Every Digital Marketer

Now that you’re ‘in the club’, let’s hand you the map of the campus. Whether you’re here for networking or just hearing and sharing your digital marketing endeavors, here are some of the most engaging Clubhouse Rooms you should be following right now:

1. Marketing Club

Following Marketing Club on Clubhouse
The screenshot is taken from the Clubhouse app

Marketing Club hosts about marketing and advertising. The club is comprised mostly of marketers and creators who share their expert insights on the overall practice of marketing. They regularly host #MarketingMonday on Monday at 12:00 PM Pacific Time (PT); a Room dedicated to their roundtable discussions on the latest industry trends, case studies, insights, and others.

Now, as a digital marketer, why go broad and follow a general marketing club? Well, because digital marketing doesn’t exist nor function inside a bubble. Whether you’re a freelancer or digital marketing, your clients are those who are strategizing and executing an entire business plan that involves a number of different marketing channels.

Seeing where and how your digital marketing strategies fit in will help you develop crisper and more accurate strategies that work seamlessly with their bigger plans, thereby adding to your value as a digital marketer.

2. Digital Marketing Society

As we mentioned, Clubhouse is a great platform for both networking and learning. You can definitely multi-task and reach out to potential collaborators while in a room that’s focused on teaching and discussion.

Such is what you can do in the Digital Marketing Society club, a club focused on educating users on the application of digital marketing strategies in business. Their regular topics include a whole host of digital marketing practices like search engine optimization, and website funnel marketing, to name a few.

3. TikTok Marketing Secrets

Niche rooms also exist for those looking for more zeroed-in advice or to meet specialists they can network with.

If you’re exploring TikTok marketing strategies for your business in the near future, then TikTok Marketing Secrets is a Club you’ll want to get into. In truth, TikTok Marketing Secrets is only one of the many Clubs founded by Michael Sanchez (@michael.consulting on Instagram).

There are also Facebook Marketing Secrets and Linkedin Marketing Secrets to follow if you want targeted strategies and tactics for the specified social media platforms. Michael promises tips on going viral on TikTok and Facebook, as well as advice on increasing leads on LinkedIn.

4. Geekout by Matt Navarra

If you’re a social media marketer, then avid industry commentator Matt Navarra’s (@MattNavarra on X) Geekout Club should be on your priority list.

This serves as the official Club that houses his social media discussions regularly available in his newsletters and podcasts that hold the same name. Another good thing about Geekout is that it’s also hosted on X Spaces, making it available to Android users who are, at the moment, not catered by Clubhouse.

Matt Navarra discusses in Geekout social media industry best practices and the latest social media news and issues.

5. Viral Marketing Stars

If effective viral marketing is what you’re looking for, Viral Marketing Stars is a Club specifically dedicated to teaching digital marketers the craft of viral marketing campaigns and content strategies.

They host “no BS & ego-free rooms” about going viral using videos and other content formats on Instagram, plus personal branding, brand design, and others.

6. The Digital Marketing Launge

Yes, that’s how it’s spelled. Make sure to note that when you punch it into the Clubhouse search bar.

Founded by She Wins Podcast host Fathiya, The Digital Marketing Launge is a Club where she shares her learnings and tips developed from seven years of marketing coaching and consulting. She promises scalable advice for individual sales gurus, small business owners, and marketers of varying degrees of expertise.

Some topics discussed in this Club are marketing, advertising, branding, email marketing, and podcasting, among others.

Key Takeaways

Networking on Clubhouse works the same as it does on any other platform. It starts with putting yourself out there and promoting yourself and your business, much like you would with your content. Here a few more takeaways as you venture into meeting new people on the platform:

  • Clubs that discuss general topics of interest are good to mix in with those that discuss more niche ones. This helps you gain an understanding of the ‘bigger picture’ and allow you to develop strategies that fit seamlessly into your clients' process and frameworks.
  • Learn while you network to maximize your time in the Rooms. While networking can be your primary purpose for getting into Clubhouse, draw your attention to learning from the experts on the platform as well.

Did we miss out on a few of your favorite Clubs and Rooms on the Clubhouse app? Let us know what we should add to this list! Drop the Propelrr team a line over at our Facebook, X, or LinkedIn accounts.