A Primer: Social Media Management vs Social Media Marketing

Maria Domenica Baquilod

Author & Editor

Social Media Team Lead

Published on: Sep 15, 2022 Updated on: May 21, 2024

Still not sure how to tell apart social media management versus social media marketing? Let us tell you.

Today, more than half of the world’s population is using social media with an average daily time spent of two hours and 29 minutes. Now more than ever, marketers and business owners should take social media marketing and management seriously. 

However, to this day, many people still confuse social media management and social media marketing, thinking that one is synonymous with the other.

How will social media management benefit your business?

To understand how you could benefit from social media management, you should understand how associated tasks work. 

A digital marketing company offering social media management will devise a plan on how to effectively execute your campaign. Typically, this begins with understanding your brand and your target audience. Every campaign you launch should be “on brand” and should suit your target audience. Market research is performed to get an in-depth knowledge of your audience - their pain points, motivations. and buying habits. 

After a clear profile of the people you want to target, the next step in social media management is the creation of the right content or ad copy. What topics would appeal to your audience? Which keywords should you use? What type of content would have the most impact on the platform you choose? 

Content creation also involves A/B testing or the comparison of several versions of a content to choose the most effective. 

The publication or distribution of the content or ad is another social media management task. Know the right social network platform and the best days and times to distribute the content. This is especially helpful if you are using pay-per-click advertising. You would want to spend your money wisely. 

Social media management does not end once you click on the Post button. In analytics and performance tracking, you can determine the metrics that matter for your campaigns to know if your strategies are working or not. The results of this review shall be your guide on your next campaigns. 

An effective social media management helps ensure that you reach your social media marketing goals. Keep in mind that simply maintaining an online presence is not enough. Learning the technical aspects is a must. 

Is there a difference between social media marketing and social media management? 

Social media marketing vs social media management: Which one do you need for your business? 

On one hand, social media marketing uses social media platforms such as Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram to promote products and services, engage with customers, and reach out to prospects.

On the other hand, social media management is the technical aspect behind the marketing. It involves market research, content creation, A/B testing, analytics and performance tracking, among others. 

It is not a matter of choosing between social media marketing and social media management. The tasks involved in social media management, if done well, can help you build an authentic and well-thought-out presence, and ultimately ensure that you meet your marketing objectives.

Let’s say you want to boost your newsletter signups by 1,000 in a month on your website through a Facebook campaign. Your social media marketing goal is to entice people to click on your Facebook ad, visit the landing page and fill out a signup form. 

Do you simply create a post inviting people to click on your ad? 

This is where social media management comes into play. 

Is your social media management strategy not bringing in your desired results?

What worked in 2019 may no longer work in 2022. Shifts in digital happen fast and often. Search engines update their algorithm, trends change and consumers’ interests and buying behaviors evolve. 

Google, the world’s largest search engine, consistently changes and updates its algorithm to provide the best and fastest results for its users. In 2014, Google’s Matt Cutts released a video stating that signals from social networks such as Facebook likes and shares do not affect search rankings. However, a 2018 study suggests that social signals - likes and followers - have an impact on search optimization, and ultimately on digital marketing efforts. 

In 2019, Stories and other ephemeral content were increasingly popular. Snapchat pioneered this feature in 2013 but was later on introduced by other social networks such as Instagram, Whatsapp, and Facebook. Today, many brands, especially those in consumer product businesses, share ephemeral content that disappears after 24 hours on their social networks.

While Stories remain popular, there are other features on social networks that received the spotlight recently. Live streaming, shorter video content, and audio content were some of the digital marketing trends in 2022. 

Aside from the changes in technology, consumers’ interests and buying behaviors are ever dynamic. There is an increased interest in mental health and wellness following the onslaught of the COVID-19 pandemic. The hybrid work arrangements - a combination of onsite and virtual work - also created demand for home office design, furniture and other comforts. 

If your social media strategies are no longer as effective as when you started, you may need to go back to the drawing board. Changes and developments in technology and consumer behavior require the nuanced practice of social media marketing and management. 

Why does incorporating social media marketing and social media management make sense?

As a business, you want to be where your customers are spending their time – and these days, that’s online. Social media platforms provide an excellent way to connect with people who are interested in what you do, but it can be difficult to know where to start.

That’s where social media management comes in. Social media management tools help you create and publish content, track conversations, and measure your performance. These tools are essential for helping you create a strong social media presence.

Key takeaways

Social media marketing is not as simple as maintaining a business page on your chosen social media platform. Posting content, no matter how frequently, will not automatically result in new email subscribers, more inquiries and increased sales. 

  • Implement effective management for successful social media marketing. Social media marketing and management go hand-in-hand. 
  • Practice a nuanced strategy in social media marketing and management to cope with changing tech landscape, trends and consumer behavior.
  • Consider working with a digital marketing agency. A digital marketing agency has the expertise, tools and technology to deliver effective social media management.

Do you have questions about social media marketing and management? Send us a message via our Facebook, X, and LinkedIn accounts.