How to Fight Fake Information in Social Media for Your Business

Maria Domenica Baquilod

Author & Editor

Social Media Team Lead

Published on: Sep 1, 2023 Updated on: May 16, 2024

Fake information in social media can negatively affect your online business in ways you would never expect.

As fake news poses a big challenge to major platforms like Facebook, TikTok, Twitter, and more, brands are finding it more and more necessary to protect themselves against misinformation and falsified content on social media sites today.

The spreading of fake news has degraded consumer trust over time, causing stock price drops, risks to brand reputation, and more. Indeed, false connections are the new battleground for companies who are now hoping to leverage social media marketing for crucial business needs.

Don’t let fake information pose a risk to your brand’s dreams for success. With the help of the right digital marketing agency, discover everything you need to know about bogus or fraudulent content to develop effective and data-driven strategies for fighting fake news this year.

What is fake news on social media?

To understand the dire consequences of distorted content on digital platforms, it’s important to know exactly what this “fake news” on social media is first.

Fake news refers to any kind of informative content - news articles, thought pieces, journalistic videos, and more - that has been intentionally and verifiably falsified to manipulate another person’s perception of reality.

This kind of bogus content is often used online to promote advertising, influence politics, and even stir up social conflict. For example, salacious headlines might be used to distract readers from other social issues so that these remain unresolved. Fake news can affect anyone who comes into contact with it - from random users of all ages, to digital marketers conducting social listening.

The role of social media platforms in fighting fake news

Fake news certainly existed before the dawn of social media. However, the speed and volume at which information travels on social platforms have greatly contributed to the vast spreading of fake news online too.

As such, social media platforms now have a major responsibility to fight fake news online. Many have already taken serious action against misinformation; Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, and Twitter, for example, developed independent COVID-19 misinformation policies to prevent the spread of distorted medical content on their sites, at the height of the pandemic.

In today’s fake news era of AI-powered tools and deepfakes, the overall effectiveness of these social media measures remains to be seen. But as the ever-changing digital landscape continues to evolve, so too must your response as a business evolve to fight against false connections today.

Why is social media misinformation considered dangerous?

In general, social media misinformation on the internet is considered harmful because it creates confusion around many important social, political, educational, and health issues.

For example, there are tons of misleading articles on the internet regarding terrible diseases like cancer, diabetes, and even COVID-19. If you’re an unwitting individual who trusts this fraudulent content with treating these diseases, you might end up making harmful health choices that will have a negative impact on your wellbeing in the long run.

Given this new normal to social media, it’s important to stay vigilant and avoid these sources of social conflict. It’s also important to remember that businesses aren’t exempt from the dangerous effects of falsified content either. Keep on reading to learn more about how spreading fake news can negatively impact your online brand in the long run.

Spreading fake news and its effect on a business

There are a lot of important pros to social media for business. However, the spreading of fake news on social media platforms can also contribute to many negative effects for your online brand. Given this hotly debated topic, let’s get into the nitty-gritty details of misinformation and why it’s so bad for your company’s success today.

Misinformation vs disinformation

There’s usually a lot of confusion around the distinctions between misinformation and disinformation on the internet. Here’s a quick breakdown of these two closely related terms, for your convenience:

  • Misinformation. Out-of-context or false information that is presented as factual, regardless of the presenter’s intent to deceive or mislead.
  • Disinformation. A subcategory of misinformation referring to intentionally falsified information, for the sole purpose of deceiving or misleading.

While the latter is a subcategory of the former, both misinformation and disinformation can lead to the spread of fraudulent content on digital platforms, and can definitely have a negative impact on your online brand this year.

The effects of fake information on a business

Fraudulent information can spread incredibly fast on high-traffic social media sites. As a business, you can easily feel the direct effects of this bogus online content in important aspects like:

  • Customer expectations. If you make false claims about your business, customers will come to you with certain expectations that you won’t be able to meet. This will be because you lied about your brand’s ability to provide those products and services. You’ll inevitably disappoint your customers that way, leading to a loss in customer trust.
  • Consumer purchasing decisions. By degrading consumer trust in your brand, potential customers will be less inclined to purchase from your store, thus leading to unimaginable sales losses for your business online.
  • Investor trust. Investors will lose trust in your brand if you’re associated with fake news, and this can lead to a dramatic drop in your stock prices. Facebook is a clear example of this; their shares fell by 4.5% after a slew of false political ads ruined their reputation after the infamous 2016 US presidential elections.
  • Brand reputation. Overall, fake news hurts businesses by damaging your reputation. This leads to fewer customers, lower sales, and further financial losses that will inevitably kill off your brand in the long run.

It might be tempting to falsify product content, especially if that is what gets the most clicks for your brand. But once you ruin your reputation, remember that it takes years of hard work to rehabilitate your public image and regain customer trust. Bypass the risk and stay true to your values by avoiding falsified content online today.

How to spot fake information in social media

There are many ways to spot false content on social media. Here are some tips to look for the warning signs of fraudulent news or information on the internet:

  • Check your sources. Does the source have a consistent reputation for factual content? Is the source’s author a real person and a proven expert in the field they’re writing about? Make sure to identify a post’s source first before sharing or spreading it to others.
  • Double-check other reputable sources. Are other reputable news, media, or educational outlets reporting on the story you’re reading? Are the sources cited within the story credible as well? Always cross-check the validity of the story you’re reading with other sources to ensure the spread of factual content.
  • Always practice curiosity and critical thinking. With these media literacy mindsets, you’ll always make it a practice to ask questions first before sharing information on the internet.

Are businesses doing enough to prevent false connections?

Stopping misinformation online has become more and more challenging over the years. While more platforms are cracking down on the spread of bogus content, the unfortunate truth is that false, inflammatory, and sensationalized news often gets more clicks than other research-based headlines or articles nowadays.

So when it comes to false connections, businesses are charged with the challenge of stopping the danger in its tracks. You must stand for reputable and ethical marketing, avoid false advertising, and track accurate metrics as a brand today. Don’t drive your digital just for the sake of clicks - do it to drive the genuine success of your business instead.

Otherwise, you’re just digging yourself a deep grave in the uphill battle for your brand’s reputation and marketing this year.

Trust as a crucial element in business

Given all these difficult circumstances surrounding false connections, it can be tough for consumers to find security in social media marketing. This is why trust is such a crucial element to your business. By building trust through marketing, you can foster strong customer relationships that can withstand even the worst of fake news attacks today.

Build trust between your business and your customers to safeguard your reputation and protect your customers’ interests today. Always aim for authentic, well-researched, and data-driven content, and be part of the movement against dishonest content on the internet this year.

Key takeaways

Even with all this falsified content flying around online, social media is still worth it for businesses today. So make sure to use these digital platforms the right way by taking note of these last three marketing tips:

  • To leverage social media is to accept certain risks. While there are pros to using social media platforms, like increased brand awareness or sales conversions, the cons of fake news on the internet remain. Know what you’re getting into so that you can prepare for the risks of these tools in advance.
  • Spreading fake news will lead to your downfall. After all, participating in the degradation of consumer trust will just lead you to digging your own grave for your brand’s broken reputation in the long run.
  • Employ trust through data-driven marketing. With data-driven digital marketing, you can develop effective strategies that boost business wins and protect brand’s interests, all at the same time.

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