Top 10 Search Engine Optimization Key Take Away from SEMCON

Francis Gary Viray

Author & Editor

Founder & CEO

Published on: Oct 7, 2010 Updated on: May 17, 2024

Lo and behold! I attended another Search Engine Marketing Conference and here are a few key take away that I think would impact our strategies on  Search Engine Optimization and Search Marketing.

2. Short Tails are getting noticed again more frequently in Google Instant and THEY ARE BACK!

This  one is  self-explanatory and it can easily be observed by turning on the Google Instant in home page.  I said, “They are back!” not because short tails were not important back then but for the reason of conversion rates and increased amount of eyeballs.  More top ranking sites on short tails are more visible with the Google Instant.

But it is too early to tell yet on how this Google Instant will impact search behavior. Just like what Aaron Wall said,”Even if Google has been saying that Google Instant is the next big thing on search, still the psychology behind keyboard usage for fast-typing searchers and slow ones, they would not notice Google Instant significantly for now”.  Again, this still remains to be seen.

3. Improve Click Through Rate = Increase Your Rankings!

This put emphasis on Title Tags and Meta Descriptions. For the Title Tags, one needs to think like an SEO and Clicks. While on the other hand, Meta Description, one needs to think Keywords and Clicks.

Personally, my idea on improving Title Tags and Meta Descriptions is like serving an elevator pitch! You only have a few seconds to get your searchers attention through those Meta Descriptions and Title Tags so use them rightly! Is not that the very same idea of optimization? =P

5. Diversity on Pagerank and Anchor Texts!

Natural link building process takes a lot of citations coming from different sites with diverse anchor texts (website owners discretion) and with variety of PageRanks.

Altogether, this type of links acquired gives you a more solid link structure that never is will be considered a red flag by Google.

This is “going natural than appearing to be natural!” It really makes sense.

6.  Information Architecture should be FLAT!

The amount of crawl rates, link juice and internal linkage favors Flat information architecture.  Surely, with all these in mind, it basically would mean eliminating dead-ends and low-value pages.

I would say every page on your website should mean something and they should be valuable! Else, you just have to exclude them from the spider’s crawl paths. Figuratively, it is like putting too many road humps (useless pages) on the road (internet) without any purpose at all.

Gary Viray & Hans Koch
Gary Viray & Hans Koch

7.  A perfectly optimized page should have, H1 headline (with your keyword of course), Image Alt tags, Body Text with diverse keywords on it (no over stuffing please!) and a beautiful crafted exact URL. Sweet!

No explanation. That is why, if you are building from scratch, it is always the best idea to employ SEO from the start.

8.  Market Research is the starting point on whether you wanted to do SEO or not

Charlie Ellis of simplified the rocket science on SEO. It seemed like everything is pretty much straight forward when he presented his slides. But if you will look at his take away, darn! There is so much work behind those “Five Categories of Focus”.

Market Research, Keyword Research, Trend Analysis, IA (Information Architecture) and Competitive Analysis (this one where I start thinking on how it would impact the SEO budget of a client). With all these in mind, you would have a substantial amount of time on data gathering, reverse engineering , link profiling and link trust building strategy. However; with the proper SEO tools set on your belt (the SEO Ninja shurikens and samurais ), you can save lots of time. Plus, of course, a good data can present itself on your hands. Spreadsheets, Here we go!

Gary Viray & Zafar of
Gary Viray & Zafar of

9. PPC strategy should look closely into geo-targeting, granular campaign and ad group based on specifics and  long tails

Search and Content Ad campaigns should be taken differently. No mixes between the two in order to monitor and interpret rightly every A/B testing, ctr, traffic and every data presented in your Analytics.

10. My insight. I think the inclusion of microformats such as Hcard (like Vcard), HAddress and HReview should be part of the On-Page optimization process. Why?

If you are doing more of the localization search, it would best suit your website to have your address on it with HAddress format. But the most compelling reason for me to use microformats is for e-commerce sites where Google shows in SERPs those yellow stars along with the Title Tag and Meta Description. If you are looking closely to what this yellow starred reviews on your products and goods, they basically give searchers 5 thumbs-up recommendations to buy those products with good 5 yellow stars. And how microformats take its value? HReview ! I believe gives a good conversion rate factor on your efforts. =)

5 yellow stars = 5 thumbs-up to the SEMCON organizers!

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