Rookie Mistakes to Avoid When Developing Your Mobile App

Kevin Bryan Silva

Author & Editor

Senior Software Engineer

Published on: Nov 28, 2022 Updated on: May 21, 2024

In mobile app development, there are many things that can happen that will lead to dangerous errors. Here’s how you can prepare to avoid them.

Mobile app development can be a daunting task with many steps and factors to consider.

However, that’s not a reason to be careless and make mistakes that can be detrimental to your and your client’s business. And what’s more ironic is that some of the gravest errors in mobile app development is in its foundational practices.

There are developers who make the rookie mistake of neglecting research and considering design – leading to apps that are functional, but not usable to the intended audience. And then there are those who forget important steps in the testing process – iterating blindly and delaying project delivery.

It’s easy to catch up to one error; making two or more, however, can be hard to make up for. To avoid them, it’s best that you educate yourself on mobile app development best practices, and make yourself aware of other common errors.

Common rookie mistakes in mobile app development

In the world of mobile app development, there are a few rookie mistakes that can quickly torpedo your efforts.

After all, making mistakes in mobile app development means that you waste resources, both in terms of time and money. The good news is that most of these mistakes can be avoided with careful planning and forethought.

Here are the top mistakes to look out for when developing a mobile app.

1. Not doing your research.

One of the most common mistakes that new mobile app developers make is not doing their research. Without a clear understanding of what users want and need, you're likely to build an app that falls flat.

This can be especially true if you're trying to recreate an existing app or solve a problem that has already been solved.

Tips for conducting research

When it comes to developing a mobile app, it's important to do your research. Here are a few tips to help you get started.

  • Look online for user feedback. Sites like Amazon and iTunes offer customer reviews that can give you a good idea of what users like and don’t like about existing apps.
  • Use social media to get feedback. X, Facebook, and other social media platforms can be a great way to get feedback from potential users. You can also use hashtags to find relevant conversations about your topic.
  • Ask questions and hold focus groups. If you want to go beyond online feedback, consider conducting focus groups or interviewing potential users directly. This will give you a better understanding of what people are looking for in an app.

2. Not beta testing your app.

Another common mistake is not beta testing your app. This can lead to major problems once the app is released to the public.

Bugs and other glitches can cause users to uninstall your app and leave negative reviews. Failing to allocate enough time and resources to design can also lead to problems. If your app doesn't look or feel good, users will be less likely to use it.

Beta testing is an important part of the app development process. By beta testing your app, you can identify and fix bugs before the app is released to the public.

Tips for beta testing your app

  • Make sure you have a good beta testing plan in place. This includes setting up a timeline for beta testing and specifying who will be responsible for what.
  • Choose your beta testers carefully. You want to choose people who will be honest and provide feedback that will help you improve the app.
  • Collect feedback and act on it promptly. Be sure to respond to feedback quickly and make changes based on what you hear.
  • Thank your beta testers for their help. Show your appreciation by sending them a thank-you note or gift card.

By following these tips, you can ensure that your beta testing process goes smoothly and helps you improve your app.

3. Not allocating enough time and resources to design

One of the most important aspects of creating a successful mobile app is allocating enough time and resources to design. If your app doesn't look or feel good, users will be less likely to use it.

This can be especially true if you're trying to compete with well-established apps. In order to stand out from the competition, your app needs to be visually appealing and easy to use.

Design is also important for usability. If your app is difficult to navigate, users will quickly get frustrated and uninstall it. The best way to avoid these problems is by spending enough time on the design phase of development. This will ensure that your app is both visually appealing and easy to use.

READ ALSO: 10 Must-Have Usability Features for a Successful Mobile App

Failing to allocate enough time and resources to design can lead to major problems down the road. It's important to remember that design should not be an afterthought - it should be one of the primary focuses of development. By giving your app the attention it deserves, you'll increase your chances for success.

Tips for designing a successful mobile app

When it comes to designing a mobile app, there are a few things you should keep in mind. Here are a few tips to help you get started.

  • Keep it simple. When it comes to design, less is often more. Try to avoid overloading your users with too much information or complex graphics.
  • Use common design conventions. Follow the common design conventions that users are already familiar with. This will make it easier for them to use your app.
  • Make it visually appealing. A visually appealing app will be more likely to be used than one that is not. Make sure your graphics are high quality and make good use of color and contrast.
  • Pay attention to detail. A well-designed app is a detail-oriented app. Make sure all of your graphics and text are properly aligned and look professional.
  • Test it out on different devices. Make sure your app looks good on different types of devices and screen sizes. Not all apps look good on every device, so it's important to test them out before release.

4. Not putting effort into promoting your mobile application

Finally, one of the biggest mistakes that new mobile app developers make is not establishing a relationship with key members of the press. Without good PR, you won't get the word out about your app. This can lead to a lack of downloads and ultimately, failure.

Tips for promoting your mobile app

  • Create a strong marketing strategy. A good marketing strategy is essential for promoting your mobile app. Make sure you have a plan for how you will market your app to users and press alike.
  • Use social media to promote your app. Social media is a great way to reach a large audience quickly and inexpensively. Make sure you post about your app on all of your social media channels and use appropriate hashtags.
  • Send press releases to tech blogs and websites. If you can get good press coverage, it will help you build buzz and awareness for your app. Contact tech bloggers and websites that are relevant to your app and offer them an interview or review copy of your app.
  • Run advertising campaigns online. Advertising can be a great way to reach potential users who may not have heard of your app yet. Invest in online advertising campaigns that target users who are likely to be interested in your app.

Key takeaways

With lots to consider in mobile app development and the great losses at stake, it’s important to avoid simple mistakes such as those we just tackled. In order to continue building effective apps and, in turn, avoid grave consequences, it also helps to:

  • Develop a structure. Have checklists not just in the quality assurance level, but also in the planning and development layers. This will help you keep tabs on everything you need to accomplish.
  • Have quality assurance experts onboard. Whether it’s third-party or in-house, the more eyes there are available to check, the better you are able to spot loopholes in your projects. Employ quality assurance experts that will help keep you in check.
  • Always, always, always test before launching. Test as many times as you can afford so you launch a functional and usable product. Taking time here is much better than making costly errors because you rushed to deploy.

What’s your most dreaded fear in mobile app development? Care to discuss with us on Facebook, X, or LinkedIn? We’d love to learn.

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