Criteria for a Digital Marketing Strategy Framework That’s Data-driven


May 28, 2021

The digiverse is evolving at an exponential rate. With users streaming in from countless different touch points, many digital marketers are forced to pivot their strategies at a fast pace. It’s tough to find consistent, long-term success with such a volatile landscape online.

But with the right strategies, tactics, and plans, you can still meet all your online digital marketing objectives. You simply need to identify a data-driven digital marketing framework that works to drive your online success.

It’s crucial for you to identify a scalable framework that works for your data-driven digital marketing.  Check out this list of essential criteria to identify a proven framework for your brand’s digital marketing success.

How to spot a scalable and data-driven digital marketing strategy framework

What does an expert’s eye inspect for in a framework to truly call it data-driven and reliable for your long-term marketing strategies?

From the channel mix, to auditing your channel efforts and ensuring excellent customer experience, here’s what you should be checking for in a data-driven digital marketing framework you wish to adopt for your business.

1. It factors in a mix of channels.

Anyone in digital strategy development knows that online audience members access the digiverse through different channels daily. A customer will engage with any of your earned, paid, rented or owned channels, depending on what works best for them.

This means that you need to utilize a digital marketing strategy that factors in the best-working channel mix for your business. You need to utilize an actionable strategy that helps you identify ineffective channels, and optimize conversion-driven ones too.

Don’t get lost among the countless number of options for your company’s various digital channels. Make sure to utilize a proven framework that will inevitably help you invest in channels that optimize audience engagement and, more importantly, conversions.

2. It emphasizes the importance and value of audits and analysis.

A doctor won’t know how to treat a disease if he isn’t able to conduct a proper assessment and diagnosis. Similarly, you won’t know how to improve the performance of any campaign if you don’t take time to inspect it for flaws.

That’s why the right online marketing structure for your business should place importance on auditing and analytics. These help you transform data into crisp insights that you can then take action on.

With the right content audits and analysis, you can easily spot trends in topics that are valuable to your audience which you can, in turn, serve them. Website evaluations help you spot errors that cause friction in the customer journey and fix them accordingly. But above all, remember that audits aren’t just a one-time thing. They should be routinely conducted to help you manage, optimize, and run campaigns over longer periods for your company.

A smart marketing strategy for your business should place value on expert analysis and regularly executed audits. These two tools, when maximized well, will help you bridge the gaps in your long-term campaigns and reach your overall objectives more effectively.

3. It not only covers, but balances all touchpoints.

Nonlinear customer journeys are more common now than ever before. With the myriad of online platforms a customer engages with, your business needs to be prudent in selecting the right touchpoints for efficient audience conversion.

A basic scalability strategy will help you cover several touch points throughout the general customer journey. But the right online framework for your business should also help you balance these touchpoints in a way that will optimize your overall conversion rate.

Make it your next priority to cover, balance, analyze, and optimize your users’ most used touchpoints. Consider seeking out an actionable scalability strategy that will help you guide a customer smoothly, from an online touchpoint to an assured conversion.

4. Research and data are integral to executions.

Having solid groundwork to build your executions on is crucial to your online success. The right online marketing structure for your business will definitely integrate research and data analytics into its foundations to ensure excellent executions no matter what.

Your business usually collects data from web, mobile, social media, search engine, and ad analytics tools. This valuable intelligence should be highlighted by your online marketing framework. You can unleash your data’s potential when you use a marketing structure that truly responds to the needs of your brand.

5. The motivation and end-goal is servicing the customer.

Lastly, and most importantly, your digital marketing framework’s end-goal should always be excellent customer service.  But of course, you may be wondering: why is this the case when there are so many other eligible criteria for evaluating your online marketing strategies and campaigns?

Even the most expertly planned strategy will fall flat on its face if it fails to deliver a consistent and excellent user experience. After all, any brand out there will inevitably sink without consistent customer conversions and loyalty. So make sure to identify a digital marketing strategy whose motivation and end-goal is excellent customer service, always.

Rare are the frameworks that take into considertation end-to-end delivery of quality customer service. Too many marketers often mistake that customer or client satisfaction is achieved only through products and services, without accounting for every single step in their customer’s journeys. Don’t be one of them.

When crafting your own digital marketing strategy frameworks, always make sure to make it about the client and their respective journeys – optimizing their experiences every step of the way to the conversion.

Key takeaways

One of the lessons we learned in digital marketing these past years is that investing in a solid, reliable, and scalable framework is crucial to your success online. Here’s a helpful wrap-up to the main points discussed in this comprehensive guide:

  • The digiverse is disruptive and volatile. As a digital marketer, you need solid ground to establish the right pivots that prevent your business from slipping and falling.
  • No business is the same. Your brand will have its own unique data, audits, audience, and distribution channels, so make sure your online groundwork highlights strategies that work for you and not against you.
  • Remember your “why.” Why are you looking for a data-driven digital marketing framework in the first place? Remember that you’re fulfilling the needs of your audience, and that they’re your motivation and end-goal overall.

Looking for a proven framework for your data-driven digital marketing? Check out Propelrr on Facebook, Twitter or LinkedIn for more advice on building your scalable framework.